作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东药科大学
出 处: 《旅游学刊》 2013年第12期81-89,共9页
摘 要: 最近几年, 中国人跨境购物的热情持续高涨, 但国内却鲜有学者关注跨境购物这一现象。文章采用情景实验的方法, 以广东消费者为研究对象, 探讨在粤港两地不同购买地市场环境下, 产品外部属性对购买意愿的影响。研究结果表明, 购买地这一因素对于消费者购买搜索和体验产品的决策影响十分有限, 消费者并没有对粤港两地市场产生明显偏好。对于体验产品而言, 消费者对西方外国品牌的购买意愿高于国内品牌, 且这种偏好不会受到价格和购买地的影响。对于搜索产品而言, 价格与品牌原产国会对消费者的购买意愿产生交互作用。 As a result of increasing disposable incomes in China, an appreciating currency and the relaxation of restrictions on foreign travel, greater numbers of Chinese people shop and consume overseas. This phenomenon has attracted considerable international attention over the past decade. According to the World Tourism Organization, the volume of international trips by Chinese travelers grew from ten million in 2000 to eighty-three million in 2012. China’s expenditure on foreign travel reached US$102 billion in 2012, making China the foremost global source of tourism expenditure. However, there has been little research to date on the cross-border shopping aspect of this phenomenon. Many researchers have developed and/or tested models of buyers’ perceptions of quality and value, with a particular emphasis on the buyers’ perception of the product extrinsic attributes (such as price and brand name) as indicators of value. However, previous research focused on one country or location, and did not consider the situation of cross-border shopping. The first research question is in a cross-border shopping context, what is the effect of product extrinsic attributes on willingness to buy? Hong Kong’s economy benefits from numerous shoppers from mainland China every year. A series of scandals involving milk produced in mainland China sapped domestic shopping confidence. Consumers subsequently flocked to Hong Kong to purchase infant milk formula, angering local residents by generating shortages and pushing up prices. As infant milk formula is a credence good (a good that is difficult to evaluate the quality of, even after purchase and consumption), it relies heavily on consumer confidence, and shopping locations actually affect purchase intention. Does the shopping location effect still apply for search goods (goods whose characteristics, such as quality or price, are easily evaluated before purchase) and experience goods (goods whose characteristics are difficult to evaluate before purchase, and that must
关 键 词: 跨境购物 品牌原产国 购买意愿 搜索产品 体验产品
分 类 号: [F59]
领 域: []