作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《世界哲学》 2017年第1期63-75,共13页
摘 要: 西方哲学曾展现出通往第一哲学的三条主要道路:朴素的一客观主义道路、超越论的一观念论道路和现象学道路。朴素的一客观主义道路呈现出第一哲学的原本抱负,即为整个世界寻找作为本原、开端、根据的最在先者或首要之物。但它朴素的一客观主义导致了它的独断性、非明见性以及作为其必然后果的怀疑主义。第二条道路选择返回到以具有明见性、确定性的自我一我思为首要之物的超越论的观念论。但它付出的代价则是自我的二元分裂和迷失。通往第一哲学的现象学道路既满足了第一哲学对开端或本原之物的追求,同时又克服了前两条道路的局限性。 In the history of philosophy,there are three main ways towards first philosophy:the na6ve-objective way,the transcendental-idealistic way and the phenomenological way.There is an inner relationship between these three ways:the na6ve-objective way as the first way presents the basic task of first philosophy.But when it seeks arche or origin directly,it becomes dogmatic,non-evident.Accordingly,the second way seeks to go back to the evident and undoubted ego cogito,and regards it as arche or origin.But the price of this way is that there is a dichotomy between the empirical I and the transcendental I,which leads at last to the loss of the I.The third way,that is,the phenomenological way,both realizes the aim of first philosophy,and overcomes the difficulties of the other two ways.It does open a possible way towards first philosophy.
分 类 号: [B81-06]
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