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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《公共行政评论》 2015年第2期22-46,179共26页

摘  要: 已有研究通常将运动式治理和官僚体系的常规运作看作两种泾渭分明的、互为补充或矛盾的治理形态,但论文认为,运动式治理和常规化官僚运作只是在理论分析上存在的两个理想类型,实际上,中国的治理运作很大程度是在这两个理想类型之间不断转变的治理谱系,而治理任务的"合法性承载"是解释这些差异的核心变量。论文通过对A市18年创卫历程的考察,展现了A市的创卫在前期要件齐全的运动式治理中是如何被常规化从而失效,又如何在获得充分的"合法性承载"之后通过首长站台、高位协调、加强保障和严格问责等手段进行"再运动",从而取得成功的。进而,论文指出,运动式治理和常规科层体制背后的问题是注意力分配,而"合法性承载"概念将有助于解释注意力是如何在治理谱系中进行分配的。 To govern by campaign is generally treated as an alternative to govern by bureaucracy in China. This is a case study of the 18 year campaign in a Chinese city known as 'Creating a National Sanitary City( Chuangwei) '. The campaign was learned,adopted and routinized by the bureaucracy, all of which led to the failure of the campaign for the first 16 years. The campaign regained its power and finally succeeded because years of failure led to the 'legitimacy loading ' of the campaign,which triggered a real campaign. Further,this study argues that 'legitimacy loading 'should be the key to understanding the inter- transformational mechanism between the campaign and bureaucracy.

关 键 词: 治理 运动式治理 合法性承载

分 类 号: [D630]

领  域: []


