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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《上海行政学院学报》 2018年第4期39-48,共10页

摘  要: 随着市场化改革的不断深化,中国的社会结构愈发复杂,社会利益趋于多元,基层社会越来越呈现出碎片化的状态:与此同时,随着诸多经济、行政和社会事务下移至地方政府.城市成为了施展国家权力的主要场域。基于此,中国的国家-社会关系逐渐趋于“地方化”。在这一背景下.本文试图探讨地方政府如何通过一系列非政治化、工具化、常规化的治理创新手段来回应和调适转型中的国家-社会关系。本文以A市城管综合执法为例,分析和总结了当前中国地方政府治理创新的三层逻辑:一是。基于规则和法治,构建法理型权威;二是,基于行政绩效和回应性,提高市民满意度;三是,基于道德符号和公共服务,树立地方治理的道德权威。作者认为,面对碎片化的城市社会,地方政府的治理范式和国家-社会关系都在发生转变.即逐渐从原本计划经济时期的“组织”和“动员”向当前转型时期下强调“回应”和“善治”转变。 Along with the deepening of market-oriented reforms, great changes have taken place in urban China, with the social structure more complex, the social interests more diversified, and thus the urban society much more fragmented. At the same time, as all sorts of economic, administrative and social responsibilities have been decentralized to the local governments, the Chinese cities-governed by the local governments-have become the crucial arenas for the (local) state to exercise its power. As a result, the state-society relations incline to be localized in contemporary China. In such context, the authors attempt to analyze how the local governments response and adapt to the changing state-society relations by inventing a series of de-politicized, instrumental and routinized governance techniques. Based on a case study of urban law enforcement in A City, we propose and scrutinize three points of rationales of local governance, which account for the governmental efforts on the innovation of urban governance techniques. First, the local government intends to establish le- gal-rational authority through standardized documents and "rule by law". Second, the local government attempts to increase the citizen satisfaction with better administrative performance and accountability. Third, the local government also strives to justify its moral legiti- macy by presenting moral symbols and providing social services. In the end, the authors conclude that being faced with the fragmented urban society, both the paradigm of local governance and the state-society relationsin China are transforming-from "organizing" and "mo- bilizing" during the planned-economy period to emphasizing "accountability/responsiveness" and "good governance" in the post-reform

关 键 词: 碎片化城市社会 地方政府 技术治理 城管综合执法

分 类 号: [F299.22]

领  域: []


