作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《图书情报知识》 2015年第1期95-106,共12页
摘 要: 在现有研究的基础上,探索利用用户信息进行馆藏资源语义化的方法。首先,根据语义化揭示原理,构建基于用户信息的馆藏资源语义化模型,通过用户信息和信息计量分析挖掘图书之间、图书与用户之间、用户与用户之间的语义关系。然后,详细阐述基于用户信息实现馆藏资源语义化的具体过程,并进行数据实验。研究表明,利用用户信息来构建图书资源和用户之间的语义关系,是实现馆藏资源语义化的一种可行思路。 On the basis of research so far, we explore the methods to semantic the library resources in using of user infor- mation. First of all, we build the semantization of the library resources model according to thesemantization revealing theory, so that we can discover the relations between users, relations between books, and relations between books and users by an- alyzing user information and Informetrics. Then we elaborate the semantic process in detail, and do the data experiment. Re- search shows that it is quite a feasible way to do thesemantization of the library resources by means of building the semantic relation between books and users taking advantage of the user information.
关 键 词: 信息计量学 共现分析 馆藏资源 用户信息 本体
分 类 号: [G350]
领 域: []