作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《民族研究》 2015年第5期41-51,共11页
摘 要: 本文从乡土中国的研究脉络出发,以改革开放以来人口迁移所致的城市性质的变迁为表述线索,指出我国城乡社会在政策引导下正在经历着从以乡村为中心的地域城市体系阶段到以城市为中心的移民城市体系阶段的内源性的巨大转变。从地域城市到移民城市的转变,不仅指我国城市在人口结构、文化景观、城市功能等方面的转型,更意味着我国从乡土社会向全国性城市社会的转变。 Starting from the tradition of rural China research and focusing on the change of characteristic of cities led by the population migration since the Reform and Opening,the article suggests that the Chinese rural-urban society is going through a radical change,which represents mainly the transformation from the stage of rural-centered regional city system to the stage of urban-centered migratory city system.This transition means not only the changes on population structure,cultural landscape and urban functions,but also the transformation from a rural society to a countrywide urban society.
分 类 号: [C912.81]
领 域: []