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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《深圳大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2006年第4期 43-46,共4页

摘  要: 在推行宪政主义的法治国家政制构架之中,宪政与司法的联系可概括为两种对待问题的方法和理念:“宪政司法”与“司法宪政”。“宪政司法”关注司法的完政品性,着眼于司法运作和司法改革的宪政主义视角;“司法宪政”则极力倡导和探索宪政的司法进路,强调司法的宪政功能以及司法改革对宪政建设的意义。中国宪政建设与司法改革积极推进,当前应致力于塑造宪政型司法,建构司法审查制度.在宪政程序中导入司法理性.正确处理司法改革与宪政改革的关系。 In the law-ruled countries in pursuit of constitutionalism, there is a vital relationship between constitutional judicature and judicial constitutionalism. The former concerns the constitutional character of judicature and focuses on the perspective of constitutionalism in the administration of justice and judicial reform. while the latter advocates the judicial way of constitutional construction, and emphasizes the constitutional function of judicature and the meaning of judicial reform to constitutional construction. In the process of constitutional construction and judicial reform in China, we should devote ourselves to the establishment of constitutional judicature and the judicial reviewing system, imbue the constitution procedures with the rational quality o and correctly handle the relationship between judicial reform and constitutional reform.

关 键 词: 宪政 司法 宪政司法 司法宪政

分 类 号: [D911]

领  域: []


