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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《法学论坛》 2014年第1期83-89,共7页

摘  要: 提审是司法系统中上级法院对下级法院管辖或者审结的案件主动提起进行审判的机制,极典型地演绎着法院审判业务上一种中国式的上下级关系。中国语境下支撑提审制的理论及基础主要是司法系统的层级结构、上级法院的权威与正确性、整体把关的司法职责、实体真实观与示范效应、谨慎与效率的司法观。由于内在机理的缺陷及实践运行中消极因素的干扰,提审制带来负面效应,导致司法的非正常运作,影响当事人程序权益及司法独立与权威。现行提审制运行呈现一些倾向,合理性与弊病共存,实践效果欠佳,然而整体制度环境与价值基础没有发生大幅变迁的现阶段,其被废除可能性不大,但亟待被完善。而且,长远来看,该制度面临直接触及合法性基础的挑战,病理及危害远远超过存在的益处,其未来走向应当是被废除,并应借此重构我国尊重司法规律的制度化的法院审判业务关系。 Initiative Review is the review from the higher court cases judged by the lower court from its own initiative in China. It bases in the context of Chinese criminal justices: hierarchical structure, correctness and authority, the view of material truth, caution and efficiency. Due to the inherent theoretical and practical deficit, Initiative Review may bring some negative effect which lead to dysfunction of the system, deprive the procedural rights of the parties and put the independence of justice and au- thority of judgment in peril. There are tendency of the defects above in practice. Without the radical change of system environ- ment and the idea beneath, this system cannot be abolished abruptly, but it can be improved.

关 键 词: 提审制 层级结构 上下级法院 审判业务关系

分 类 号: [D925.2]

领  域: []


