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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《环球法律评论》 2008年第5期111-116,共6页

摘  要: 伴随刑事诉讼构造不断走向合理,控诉制的发展催发了起诉书功能的完备,起诉书被要求确切提示审判对象,以适应法院审判和被告人防御的需要。起诉书欲有效实现承载审判对象的功能,有赖于对控诉罪行的合理记载,英美法的“诉因记载”和大陆法的“公诉事实记载”是现行控诉制下两种典型的记载方法。中国现行起诉书记栽制度则可称为“案件事实记载”,实践中呈现一些弊端。完善的思路是,确立围绕特定犯罪构成要件叙述控诉罪行的记载方法,配套以有效排除法官预断的移送方式,坚持诉状主义,构筑合理提示审判对象的起诉书制度。 With the rationalization of criminal procedural structure and prosecutorial system, the indictment is required to brief precisely the targets of trial as a basis for trial and defense. The Anglo-American system of accounts of cause of action and the continental system prosecutorial facts of record of are the main methods of the indictment recording system. The system in China can be regarded as the case-fact system which has some disadvantages. The following reforms should be carried out to improve this system: to adopt a recording method with the description of indictments centered around the constituent elements of crime and with a proper way of transfer that precludes prejudgment by judges, to adhere to the indictment system, and to establish an indictment system that can brief the targets of trial reasonally.

关 键 词: 起诉书 审判对象 案件事实 诉状主义 记载制度

分 类 号: [D915.3 G236]

领  域: [] []


