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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《数字图书馆论坛》 2020年第4期2-9,共8页

摘  要: 2020年是"十四五"规划编制和起草的关键一年。在"十四五"时期,图书馆领域应当争取实现更高标准,构建更为科学、完善、创新的服务体系。本文抛砖引玉,从基础理论视角梳理"十四五"时期图书馆领域需要着重关注的热点议题。立足基础理论视角的反思和回顾,笔者解构"热点问题"研究的内涵,并在"实践主导-学术主导"的框架下讨论以下热点问题:(1)面向高质量发展的图书馆标准化与均等化;(2)基层公共文化服务体系建设;(3)图书馆特殊人群服务;(4)图书馆馆员专业能力提升;(5)社会力量参与;(6)新导向下的图书馆评估;(7)数据驱动的图书馆管理与服务;(8)未成年人图书馆学;(9)数字人文;(10)世界化时期的中国图书馆经验总结。 2020 is a critical period for the preparation and drafting of the "14th Five-Year" Plan. In the "14th Five-Year" Plan period, libraries in China should strive to achieve higher standards and build a more scientific, perfect and innovative service system. In this context, the paper tries to discuss the key issues of library science in the period of "14th Five-Year" Plan. Based on the reflection from the basic theoretical perspective, the author put forward 10 key issues, includes:(1)Standardization and equalization of libraries for high-quality development;(2)The construction of the grass-roots public cultural service system;(3)Library services for special groups;(4)The professional competence of librarians;(5)The participation of social forces;(6)Library evaluation under the new orientation;(7)Data-driven library management and services;(8)Library science for children and young adults;(9)Digital humanities;(10)Summary of the experience of Chinese libraries in the new period.

关 键 词: “十四五” 热点问题 图书馆学 图书馆事业

分 类 号: [G250]

领  域: []


