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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《社会学研究》 2017年第5期15-38,共24页

摘  要: 社会学本土化或中国化是一个民国时期就已提出的议题。自20世纪80年代社会学学科在中国恢复重建以来,这个议题就不断被提出、讨论和争论。大致来说,围绕社会学本土化的争论产生了两大阵营:本土化倡议者和本土化反对者。本文首先对双方的争辩进行了梳理,然后分析了社会学本土化问题的症结所在,最后指出了解决社会学本土化问题的出路。文章认为,社会学本土化的讨论应深入到“知识创新力不足”的制度根源问题。知识创新力不足问题解决了,社会学本土化就是水到渠成的事情。 The indigenization of sociology has been an objective set up by Chinese sociologists since the 1920 s. However,this cause came to a halt when the discipline of sociology was banned in China in the early 1950 s. When the discipline was revitalizedin the early 1980 s,this objective was brought up again. Since then,this issue has undergone constant discussions and debates. There are roughly two camps of sociologists in these debates regarding the indigenization of sociology: Those who support and practice it and those who criticize and oppose it. In this paper,the author reviews and analyzes the debates,reveals the crux of the core matters,and suggests a way forward.It is argued that we should deepen the debates by analyzing the institutional roots for the lack of sufficient innovative ability. It concludes that the objective of the indigenization of sociology will be realized once the ability of knowledge innovation is enhanced.

关 键 词: 社会学 本土化 话语权知识创新力 学术制度

分 类 号: [G250]

领  域: []


