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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《心理学报》 2011年第6期684-695,共12页

摘  要: 采用问卷调查的方法,对甲流了解程度、疫苗安全感知、接种行为及其影响机制进行了研究,并运用结构方程对提出的模型进行了验证和调整。结果表明:(1)民众对甲流疫情基本情况、疫苗接种要求和传播途径等方面有较高的了解程度,但对预防措施和疫苗信息了解较少。(2)交流卷入对了解程度不存在显著影响:而新闻卷入对了解程度有显著正向影响,并且新闻卷入对感知疫苗安全程度的正向影响受到了解程度的部分中介。(3)感知甲流疫苗越安全,越倾向于选择接种疫苗。(4)人格对疫苗的风险认知存在显著影响,个人随和性(Agreeableness)程度越高,则感知疫苗的安全程度越高,而年龄和性别对其均没有显著影响。 Breaking out in Mexico, influenza A (H1N1) spread rapidly throughout the world and caused thousands of deaths. In China, the government took several measures to control the disease's transmission, such as licensing vaccine production and setting up a vaccination system. Researchers have conducted a number of investigations on risk perceptions of past public health crises and natural disasters, but little systematic empirical research has been done for vaccine or vaccination behaviour. Also, up until now, there seems to be no explicit research conducted on influenza A (H1N1). In this study, we examined the public's familiarity with influenza A (H1N1), perception of vaccine safety, vaccination behaviour and the mechanism of influence. We employed a questionnaire to collect data from several universities located in Beijing. Before conducting the survey, we first performed a pretest with a group of 30 people, and made adjustments based on their opinions and suggestions. The measurements in the questionnaire included: respondents' demographics, the Big Five Scales, degree of prudence, involvement, degree of familiarity, perception of vaccine safety, vaccination behaviour and two open questions about vaccine safety and why participants had or had not been vaccinated. We delivered 660 copies of the questionnaire with 596 of them collected. Among the collected questionnaires 518 were deemed effective. In addition to descriptive summaries, structure equation models were used to test the hypotheses. The results of our main model demonstrated that the degree of prudence had a significant positive effect on the involvement in news and in communication about influenza A (H1N1). However, these two kinds of involvement had different effects on the familiarity with influenza A (H1N1). While the relation between involvement in news and familiarity with influenza A (H1N1) was positive, the involvement in communication showed no significant effect on the latter. Also, both the involvement in news a

关 键 词: 甲流 疫苗 风险感知 人格 影响机制

分 类 号: [B849 C91]

领  域: [] []


