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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《旅游论坛》 2019年第5期73-82,共10页

摘  要: 跨国饮食品牌的全球化实践是重塑消费者社会和文化体验的现实路径,亟待从品牌和消费者互动的视角予以关注。食物具有丰富的社会和文化内涵,饮食消费成为休闲消费的重要表现形式。个性化休闲是后现代个人最重要的心理诉求之一,饮食文化生产需要响应社会群体的身份和文化认同需求。在全球化和流动性增加的背景下,个体的自我定义和消费文化观念处于动态建构的过程中,会主动融入跨地方饮食的文化生产。文章从个体心理层面出发,关注全球化相关的心理因素如何影响跨国饮食品牌认同。以中国星巴克消费者为对象,研究表明:(1)按照全球和当地身份构建将消费者分组,双身份认同者的跨国品牌认同显著高于其他类型的消费者;(2)全球消费者文化敏感度正向影响跨国品牌认同,而且受到消费者身份认同区分的调节作用。该研究既是对品牌全球化实践的有益补充,也是对树立正确休闲消费观念的积极探索。 In contemporary society,food is an entity with abundant social and cultural connotations.Food consumption has became an important form of leisure consumption,catering to global consumers’ pursuits for personalized leisure.Transnational food brands,springing up with the development of globalization,bring a differentiated consumption experience as well as reshape social and cultural experience.On the basis of brand recognition theory,brand identification has inevitably relation to consumers’ psychology need,reflecting and being influenced by specific social norm and cultural value.In regard of this, transnational brand identification can help to provide a holistic view of how individuals actively adjust their psychology to be consistent with the process of globalization.Prior researches of brand identification have paid sufficient attention to the role of consumers’ psychology,however,a further exploration of how psychological factors take effect together with globalization is still sporadic.In this vein,this study aims to depict a more complete picture of how consumers’ psychological factors affect food brand identification under globalization.According to previous studies,two pivotal psychological factors,individual’s identity and consumer cultural value,have been pinpointed.Hence,a questionnaire was designed to figure out how consumers’ identity construction and sensitivity to global consumer culture influences their transnational brand identification,with each item in a 7-point Likert scale(1 = strongly disagree,7 = strongly agree).The Starbucks in China was selected as a pertinent case,considering its mature degree of brand globalization and development in Chinese market.A total number of 320 consumers participated in the survey,and 260 questionnaires were used in the analysis at the end,with an effective ratio of 85.8%. We used SPSS20.0 software to analyze the data for the empirical research based on the method of quantitative analysis.After reasonable reliability and validity being confirmed,gene

关 键 词: 休闲消费 跨国饮食品牌认同 身份建构 消费文化

分 类 号: [F590.8]

领  域: []


