作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《河北法学》 2007年第2期 186-191,共6页
摘 要: 司法职务犯罪是一种具有严重社会危害性的职务性犯罪,以现代犯罪原因论观之,产生此类犯罪的原因呈现出多元多层次的特点:既受经济因素、文化传统的制约,又受司法运行机制的困扰,还受司法工作人员的素质、立法本身的缺陷、教育缺失或不到位等诸多因素的影响。从司法职权运行机制的独特视角着手,深入剖析引发司法职务犯罪在运行机制层面的成因,并就健全我国司法职权运行机制提出自己的见解,以期构建科学有效的防范对策体系。 The official offences in judicial activity is one kind of official offence with serious harmfulness to society. It is caused by series of factors such as the influence of economy, traditional culture, working mechanism of judicial power, legislative defect, etc. From the angle of view of working mechanism of judicial power, the thesis makes a special and deep research of how to prevent and cure the official offence in judicial activity in China.
分 类 号: [D926.34]
领 域: []