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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《政法学刊》 2011年第5期 115-119,共5页

摘  要: 刑法修正案(八)首次将"醉驾"、"飙车"行为以危险驾驶罪入刑。鉴于民众甚至司法人员对该罪的认识上和操作中均存在不少亟待澄清和回应的问题,诸如该罪立法理念上与刑法谦抑性是否存在着矛盾和冲突?如何认识和处理该罪中"罪过倒挂"问题?如何理解和适用该罪的追诉时效问题?如何看待和处理该罪的行为方式过窄的问题?通过对以上诸问题进行阐释进而提出了完善相关立法的构想及其路径。 Criminal Law amendment(eighth) has penalized dangerous driving such as drunk driving and car racing.In view of the questions raised about the recognition and operation of the very punishment of this crime,like "Does it contradict with the modesty principle of criminal law?","How can we recognize and address the issue of the misplacement of intentional crime and crime of negligence?","How can we understand and apply the limitation of prosecution?",and "How should we look at the narrowness of its behavioral pattern?".This study endeavors to respond to the aforementioned questions in details.

关 键 词: 危险驾驶罪 立法理念 安全刑法 立法完善

分 类 号: [D613.13]

领  域: []


