作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《开放时代》 2019年第3期81-98,M0004,M0005共20页
摘 要: 考察近四十年的中国学术思想,李泽厚的意义亟待更深入的理解。20世纪90年代以降,李泽厚的晚期思想主要聚焦儒学领域,特别关注儒学、康德与马克思的思想结合,以“不合时宜”的态度再释“巫史传统”,返回被现代性与进步主义遗忘的中国文明史起源。李泽厚以“哲学历史”的整理方式直面“历史哲学”的难题性,即,“中国人如何可能?”他通过重构三大儒学命题,以“内圣外王”彰显儒学传统中道德哲学与政治哲学的辩证关系,以“天人合一”隐现儒学传统中自然哲学与宗教哲学的统合,以“安身立命”承载儒学传统中历史哲学与教育哲学的构建。进而,他藉由“度本体”与“情本体”的创造性命题,解答了中国的“人文”与“人心”如何可能的问题。 In the sphere of Chinese academic thoughts during the recent forty years,Li Zehou deserves a deeper study.From 1990s to date,Li Zehou has devoted himself to Confucianism,particularly the combination of Corn fucianism,Kant and Marx.Li Zehou's later style is represented in his"untimely”re-interpretation of Chinese early"rational Shamanism"and the origin of Chinese civilization which has been cast into oblivion by modernity and progressivism.The later Li Zehou faces the difficult issue of"the philosophy of history"by sorting out the uhistory of philosophyn,and he asks,"How is the Chinese possible?"To answer this question,he re-con structs three Confucian propositions.By the proposition of"sageliness within and kingliness without",he demonstrates the dialectic relationship between moral philosophy and political philosophy.By the proposition of"the union of Heaven and Man",he hints at the integration of natural philosophy and religious philosophy.By the proposition of"settling down in good faith",he resuscitates historical philosophy and educational philosophy in their traditional sense.His own creative propositions,"the ontology of measure"and"the ontology of emotion",provide answers to the question"how Chinese culture and Chinese mind are possible?".
分 类 号: [B83-02]
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