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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《南方人口》 2019年第2期1-15,共15页

摘  要: 本文利用2015年全国流动人口动态监测数据,以务工经商型流动人口为研究对象,基于户籍、代际及年龄层差异的视角,描述了务工经商型流动的个人特征、流动特征和经济活动特征,结果发现:(1)非农户口者拥有更高的受教育程度,具有较高的职业地位,其从业身份以雇员为主,他们的工作时间较短但劳动收入较高,具有更强烈的长期居留意愿;(2)老一代务工经商型流动人口的受教育程度不高,但经济活动参与度非常高,他们的从业身份以自雇/自营为主;新生代务工经商型流动人口的受教育程度明显较高,他们的从业身份以雇员为主;老年务工经商型流动人口的流动时间较长,在流入地的长期居留意愿强烈,经济活动劣势明显;(3)务工经商型流动人口的受教育程度、流动范围、居留意愿、经济活动状况皆随年龄变化而存在一定的规律性。 Based on the dynamic monitoring data of migrants from National Health and Family Planning Commission in 2015, a comparative analysis of the characteristics of migrants engaging in industrial and commercial business is done from the perspective of age, generation and the types of registered household in the paper. The results shows that: 1.The migrants with non-agricultural households have higher education level, and higher occupational status and are mainly employed with shorter working but more income, and they have a stronger long-term settlement willingness in wherever they are working;2. The old generation of migrants have lower education and higher participation in economic activities with more likely self-employment. While the younger generation are better educated and as employee mainly. However, the elderly migrants have longer duration of migration, stronger long-term settlement willingness, and obvious disadvantage of economic activities;3. The change of migrants’ age cause certain changing regularities in their education, migrating distance and scope, long-term settlement willingness, characteristics of economic activities.

关 键 词: 流动人口 务工经商 户籍 代际 年龄层

分 类 号: [C92-05]

领  域: []


