作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《社会学研究》 2015年第6期99-121,共23页
摘 要: 中国政府借鉴西方经验推行政府购买公共服务政策,极大地推动了社会服务组织的发展,但中西方在此方面有着较大差异。西方政府购买公共服务的前提是政府和社会服务组织的相对独立及后者的壮大,而中国政府购买公共服务是基于政府和社会服务组织的模糊关系及后者的孱弱。因此,西方政府公共服务的有效性在于政府和社会服务组织从边界清晰到跨部门合作伙伴关系的边界消弭转变,而中国政府购买公共服务的有效性则在于从边界模糊中生产出新的边界。本文聚焦于z市家庭综合服务中心的组织运作,分析社会服务传递过程中社会服务组织边界生产的策略,以此回应伙伴关系理论和现阶段中国社会服务组织发展的理论观点。 Social service organizations have developed fast as a result of the government outsourcing services in recent years.However,there are critical differences between China and the Western countries.The precondition for success in outsourcing service in western countries is that the non-profit organizations are relatively independent and strong.In China,however,the relationship between the government and social organizations is fuzzy,and the social organizations are still quite weak.Thus,the effectiveness of the public service in the West depends on the collaboration of the government and NPOs,during which the boundaries were eliminated and partnership was built.In China,boundaries should be produced first to assure the effectiveness of the government purchases of public services.This paper focuses on the Family Integrated Service Centers in Guangzhou,and analyzes the production of boundaries in the process of service delivery strategies.It aims to respond to the partnership theory and theoretical issues regarding the development of social organizations in China.
关 键 词: 社会服务组织 边界生产 伙伴关系 家庭综合服务中心
分 类 号: [F810.42]
领 域: []