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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《史林》 2016年第1期128-137,共10页

摘  要: 租借地是旧殖民主义的产物。广州湾与法属印度支那之间缺少必要的工商业联系,未能纳入后者的殖民开发计划之中。鸦片走私的猖獗更令河内政府刻意“边缘化”租借地。但这只是从新殖民主义角度观察到的结果,从近代法国在东亚殖民的整体历史看,广州湾首先服务于法国的均势战略,其次服务于法属印度支那联邦的灰色财税需求。 Due to the weakness of its connection in industry and commerce with French Indo- China,Guangzhou wan was not included in its plan of colonial development. The Hanoi government even intentionally had this leased territory marginalized because of the opium smuggling. However,based upon the general history of French colonization in East Asia,Guangzhou wan served strategically for power balancing first,then the economic needs of the federal Indo- China.

关 键 词: 广州湾 法属印度支那联邦 旧殖民主义 殖民开发 鸦片走私

分 类 号: [K296.5]

领  域: []


