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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《乐府新声:沈阳音乐学院学报》 2005年第2期 3-8,共6页

摘  要: 本文以欧洲18世纪末至19世纪的浪漫主义文艺思潮为背景,集中探讨了浪漫主义音乐美学的本质特征及其表现.试图从主观表情性、宗教神性与虚幻的理想化、综合艺术表现的追求,以及大自然情结四个方面分别进行归纳阐述.寻找浪漫主义音乐美学思想中这些特征与浪漫主义音乐的创作、表演、审美的相互关系,以及推动音乐文化繁荣的较深层原因.并以现代人的目光对此进行审视与初步的思考,提出浪漫主义精神于现代乃至未来的音乐艺术发展的有益启示. On the basis of ideological trend of the literature and art of Romanticism in Europe from the late 18th to the 19th century, the author focuses his attention on the essential characteristics and expressions of music aesthetics of Romanticism so as to summarize and expatiate separately from four aspects: subjective expression, religion and visional idealization, pursuit of synthetic arts and the complex of nature. He would seek the mutual relationship between these characteristics and composition, performance and aesthetics in music aesthetics of Romanticism, as well as the deeper reason for promoting musical culture. He would put forward from the angle of modem people that the Romantic ideas are enlightening to music development both today and in future.

关 键 词: 本质特征 欧洲 浪漫主义音乐 音乐美学思想 浪漫主义精神 文艺思潮 19世纪 18世纪 艺术表现 自然情结 相互关系 深层原因 文化繁荣 有益启示 艺术发展 理想化 现代人

分 类 号: [J609.9 F062.3]

领  域: [] []


