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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州中医药大学

出  处: 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2020年第1期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 目的掌握中医药文化研究现状,增强文化认同与文化自信,推动中医药及中医药文化在新时代的传承和创新发展。方法利用文献计量学,借助CiteSpace 5.3,以中国学术期刊网络出版总库(CNKI)期刊全文数据库为统计源,检索词为"中医药文化"(包含同义词扩展),研究近10年我国中医药文化研究的知识图景、发展脉络和重要成果。结果共检索到有效文献1921篇,研究发现趋势线中R2=0.9351,表明当前中医药文化研究正处于稳定增长或成熟阶段;发文量较高的机构有南京中医药大学(96篇)、北京中医药大学(75篇)、湖南中医药大学(74篇),均为成立了专门中医药文化研究或传播中心的中医药院校,且多高产、高被引作者;"传播""传承""一带一路"为高频词,频次分别为110、86、80次,逐渐成为中医药文化研究的热点议题。结论当前中医药文化研究关键概念的界定仍不够清晰,呈现学术内涵和浅显工作活动介绍两级分化的特点;跨机构合作产出较少,且合作意愿不高。 Objective To understand the status of TCM culture research;To enhance cultural identity and cultural confidence;To promote inheritance and innovative development of TCM culture in the new era.Methods Bibliometrics and CiteSpace 5.3 were applied.Chinese Academic Journals Online Publishing Database(CNKI)full-text database was set as the statistical source.The search term was"TCM culture"(including synonym expansion),and knowledge landscape,development vein,and important achievements of TCM culture research in recent decade were studied.Results Totally 1921 articles were retrieved.In the trendline,R2=0.9351 showed that TCM culture research was in a stable growth or mature stage.Institutions with large amounts of papers,such as Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine(96),Beijing University of Chinese Medicine(75),and Hunan University of Chinese Medicine(74)have established TCM culture centers or TCM communication centers,with productive and highly cited authors."Communication","inheritance",and"the Belt and Road"were high-frequency words with frequencies of 110,86,and 80 times,respectively,which gradually became hot topics in TCM culture research.Conclusion The definition of the key concepts of current TCM cultural research is still not clear enough,showing the polarization in academic connotation and the shallow two-level introduction of work activities;the cross-agency cooperation output is few and the willingness to cooperate is not high.

关 键 词: 中医药文化 文献计量 知识图景 文化自信 传承发展

分 类 号: [G353.1;R2-03]

领  域: []


