作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南师范大学
出 处: 《山东高等教育》 2015年第10期83-96,共14页
摘 要: 知识图谱可以直观形象地展示研究问题的前沿热点、演化规律.关键词共现图谱显示,潘懋元在中国高等教育学科的建立与发展四个阶段中引领或紧抓中国教育的时代脉搏,提出和解决当时的重大教育问题,不同阶段有不同的研究侧重点.时间线视图则揭示潘先生的教育研究具有继承性、发展性、逻辑性、系统性等特点.潘懋元在高等教育研究方面的认识论和方法论对高等教育学科及其研究者有重要指导意义,他的研究风格、治学精神也会持续不断地影响一批批高等教育研究人员. Knowledge map is a direct way to present frontier isusses,hot topics,and the evolution rule of research. The Keywords co-occurrence graph indicates that Mr Pan' research plays a leading role in the four phases of establishing and developing the discipline of higher education in China. With different focuses in different phases,Mr Pan's research covers a great number of proposals and solutions for the key education issues at that time. Meanwhile,the timeline view reveals that Mr. Pan's educational research is continuous,developmental,logic and systematic. Mr. Pan's epistemology and methodology in the research of higher education have important guiding significance for the discipline of higher education and its researchers. His study style and academic spirit will continue to influence the higher education researchers.
分 类 号: [G649.29]
领 域: []