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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《学术研究》 2016年第12期36-40,共5页

摘  要: Yablo悖论是除说谎者悖论外最具争议的语义悖论。目前,Yablo悖论的研究归结为两个问题:Yablo悖论是类似于说谎者悖论那样具有循环性的悖论吗?Yablo悖论是严格意义上的悖论吗?我们通过厘清第一个问题的相关争论,指出需要考虑悖论产生矛盾的循环性条件,进而指出Yablo悖论与说谎者悖论虽有不同的自指性,却具有相同的循环性。对第二个问题,我们从纯语义的角度对Yablo悖论的两种形式化进行分析,阐明Yablo悖论的(1)一不一致性所在,进而指出在讨论Yablo悖论产生矛盾的循环性条件时,应予区分是在算术的标准模型下还是在非标准模型下。 Yablo's paradox is one of the most controversial semantic paradoxes. Is Yablo's paradox of circularity? Or is Yablo's paradox a strict paradox? These two problems are the main issues raised by the current studies on Yablo's paradox. To answer the first question, we first explain Priest's attack against Yablo's claim that Yablo's paradox is not circular, and then suggest the supposed circular condition be sufficient and necessary for Yablo's paradox to lead to a contradiction. We prove that Yablo's paradox leads to a contradiction under exactly the same condition as the Liar paradox does. For the second question, we give a semantic analysis of two formalized forms of Yablo's paradox. By explaining the ω-inconsistency of Yablo's paradox, we make it clear that the circular condition of Yablo's paradox is closely related to the standard-and-non-standard classification of models through arithmetic.

关 键 词: Yablo悖论 循环性 自指性 不一致性

分 类 号: [B81-05]

领  域: []


