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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学法学院

出  处: 《现代法学》 2018年第1期104-117,共14页

摘  要: 公物公众使用收费过高或不当的免费都存在公平、效率等问题。现有学说对收费判断的标准过于空泛、单一,无法反映复杂的现实,也难以给予实践有效指导,需要更精细化的研究。影响收费与否及定价的主要因素包括需求的基本性、资金来源、价格调控的合比例性、自然公物还是人工公物、使用习惯、受益对象和受益范围与时机、自愿的意思表示等。这些因素需要进行综合权衡,在一定条件下发挥作用,从而类型化出免费、成本性收费、效率性收费、营利性收费和混合性收费五种收费与定价的具体方式。 Public use of domaine public concerns efficiency and fairness in both situations of unaffordably high fees and unreasonably free use. The existing theories provide vague and oversimplified explanation of fee standards and fail to reflect the complexity in reality and to guide practice effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to elaborate the topic further. The main reasons affecting whether there is a fee or how high the fee should be: whether there is a primary demand ; where the funds are sourced from ; whether the pricing tool is accorded with the principle of proportionality ; whether the domaine public is natural or factitious; what the user habits are; who the beneficiaries are and where and when they are benefited; and whether they are voluntary or not. These factors need to be comprehended holistically. Hence, these factors will incur five different scenarios : complete- ly free; fee covering basic costs; fee on efficiency; fee for profits and mixed fees.

关 键 词: 公物 公众使用 收费 标准

分 类 号: [D922.16]

领  域: []


