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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《苏区研究》 2018年第1期31-48,共18页

摘  要: 学术界普遍认为,以农村包围城市最后夺取全国胜利的中国式革命道路是从井冈山时期开始开辟的。事实上,井冈山的斗争并不是无源之水和无本之木。如果没有大革命失败之际以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人对中国革命道路的探索和实践,就没有井冈山革命道路的开辟。毛泽东在大革命失败的风云变幻关头,高举中共独立领导中国革命的旗帜,把他在考察湖南农民运动时提出的发展农民武装、建设乡村自治政权和没收地主土地分配给农民的主张,与大革命失败后的新形势、新任务相结合,升华和演变为有理论、有方向、有政策、有措施的行动,开启了中国革命由失败走向复兴的探索之路,并奠定了以“武装斗争、土地革命、根据地建设(以政权建设为核心)三位一体的工农武装割据理论”的雏形,成为井冈山斗争的前奏曲。 It is generally believed by the academic circle that the Chinese revolutionary road of encir- cling the cities from the countryside to win the final victory has started from the Jinggangshan period. Actually, Jinggangshan fight also had its source and roots. On the occasion of the failure of the Great Revolution, if there was no exploration and practice of the Chinese revolutionary road of Chi- nese Communists represented by Mao Zedong, Jinggangshan revolutionary road would not be estab- lished. In that changeable moment, Mao Zedong held high the banner of the independent leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in the Chinese revolution. When he investigated the peasant move- ment in Hunan, he has advocated the development of peasantg armed forces, the construction of the rural autonomy regime and the confiscation of landlord land to farmers. Then, he combined those proposals with the new situation and new tasks after the failure of the great revolution, and developed it into a movement with theory, direction, policy, and measures. Hence, Mao Zedong has started the exploring way of the Chinese revolution from failure to revival, and laid the theory " setting up a separatist regime by workers and peasants'force of arms" in embryo. That theory was the Trinity, in- cluding the armed struggle, the land revolution, and the construction of the base area (with the con- struction of the regime as the core). All those have become a prelude to the Jinggangshan fight.

关 键 词: 毛泽东 独立自主 革命道路 开端

分 类 号: [D612]

领  域: []


