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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《全球教育展望》 2017年第8期110-118,共9页

摘  要: 运用政策变迁的多源流理论分析发现,“文化大革命”结束以来,我国教育改革的政策演变经历了三个阶段。1977年至1998年的“知识成才”阶段,起源于“文化大革命”时教育造成的严重后果,以邓小平主持下恢复全国高考为标志,教育政策注重人才选拔,突显国家主义价值诉求;1999年至2009年的“素质育才”阶段,起源于片面追求升学率的困境,以全面实施素质教育,开启新一轮基础教育课程改革为标志,教育政策关注学生全面发展,彰显大众主义价值取向;2010年以来的“素养育人”阶段,起源于新时期青少年成长的时代难题.以“立德树人”教育方针的提出为标志,教育政策强调育人为本,突出人本主义价值导向。 From the perspective of Multiple-Streams Framework, since the end of the "Cultural Revolution", the evolvement of national policies of education reform in China has undergone three stages. Stage One was characterized by "Talents Cuhivated-through-knowiedge", beginning from 1977 to 1998. It was symbolized by President Deng Xiaoping reinstating the University Entrance Exam Policy. Policies in this stage highlighted meritocracy and the function of talent selection of curriculum. Stage Two was "Talents-Cultivated-through-quality" from 1999 to 2009, originating from the dilemma of one-sided pursuit of enrollment. Policies emphasized outstanding talents and the comprehensive development to national growth. Originating from the problem of youth development in the new era, Stage Three stresses moral education and human development since 2010. It underlines the integration of socialist core values into curriculum and instruction, morality orientation, and value of self-cultivation and cooperation to the development of students and society.

关 键 词: 教育改革 政策 价值 演进 政策文本

分 类 号: [G521]

领  域: []


