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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《内蒙古大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2014年第6期12-17,共6页

摘  要: 生态学蕴含着丰富的哲学思想。生态学理论之间的分歧本质上就是实在论与反实在论之间的较量,突出表现在关于群落的有机属性之争、生态系统本体论地位之争和群落形成机制之争。要构建统一的生态学理论,就必须完善生态学形而上学。生态系统的复杂性决定了一种可能的新的形而上学:生态实体的有机性程度取决于生态学研究的尺度,生态系统本质上是偶然的,并且是粗粒化的、历史的实体。 There are rich philosophical thoughts in the field of ecology. The differences between ecological theories reflect essentially the debate between realism and anti-realism,such as the fighting about the community organic property,the ontological status of ecosystems and the community formation mechanism. To build a unified ecology,we must improve ecological metaphysic. It was the ecosystem complexity that determined a possible new metaphysic. The organic process of the ecological ontology depends on the scales of ecological studies. The ecological system in essence is a contingent,granular and historical entity.

关 键 词: 生态学 实在论 反实在论

分 类 号: [X2]

领  域: []


