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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《教育发展研究》 2018年第2期48-54,共7页

摘  要: 乡村教师生活补助政策是中央及各级政府近些年来实施的旨在提高农村边远地区教师待遇、推进义务教育均衡发展的重要举措。本研究通过对A省部分欠发达地区的教育局长进行质性研究,全面回顾了该政策在A省的实施所面临的困境。本文主要有以下发现:乡村教师生活补助额度较低,对于吸引优秀师资到农村边远地区基层学校任教效果有限;在欠发达地区实施城乡差别是该政策实施中的主要矛盾点所在;省级财政对该政策的支持不足加大部分欠发达地区的县级财政负担;该政策的发放范围面临向高中阶段教师被动扩大的趋势;欠发达地区市辖区的农村边远地区在补助发放过程中成为易被忽视的对象。针对以上发现,本研究提出以下政策建议:各级政府应进一步加大对乡村教师生活补助的支持力度,尽快建立涵盖发放补助等在内的对乡村教师的全面支持政策;加强省级统筹,明确省级财政在欠发达地区实施该政策时的主要财政支出责任;进一步调整该政策,更科学、合理地涵盖和惠及更多欠发达地区的基层教师。 The rural teachers' living allowance policy is an important measure adopted by the central government and governments at all levels in recent years to improve the treatment of teachers in rural areas and to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. Based on the qualitative research from directors of education in A province underdeveloped area, this research reviews the dilemma the policy implementation drawing the following findings: rural teachers living allowance amount is too low to attract outstanding teachers to rural schools in underdeveloped rural areas; the implementation of the difference between urban and rural areas teachers is the main contradiction of the policy implementation; lack of financial support for underdeveloped areas at the provincial level increases the financial burden of the country level government; the policy scope faces the passive trend of expansion for the senior high school teachers; the municipal district in underdeveloped areas become easily overlooked in disadvantaged areas in the process of living allowance policy implementation. According to the above findings, this study proposes the following suggestions:the government should further increase the rural teachers living allowance to establish full support system as soon as possible for the rural teachers; to strengthen the provincial co-ordination, the main responsibility of provincial finance expenditure in less developed areas of the implementation of the policy of living allowance policy; and more scientific and more reasonable benefit coverage in underdeveloped areas in the future.

关 键 词: 乡村教师生活补助 农村边远地区 教育局长 义务教育均衡发展

分 类 号: [G635.1]

领  域: []


