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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《课程.教材.教法》 2015年第10期72-78,共7页

摘  要: 通过对1978年以来四套人教版小学德育教科书的文本分析发现,教科书中传统文化教育的外在构成与内在意涵经历了诸多的嬗变:传统文化教育的要素类目由集中分布走向均衡分布;分段布局由低年级向高年级转移;载体形式从偏向单一到偏向综合;主题内容注重国家情怀教育与人格修养教育;角色地位从素材取向为主向学习取向为主移动。在此基础上,我国可从重视德育教科书与中华优秀传统文化的融合、优化德育教科书中传统文化的文本内容和改进德育教科书中传统文化的外部构成三个方面,进一步完善小学德育教科书中的传统文化教育。 By analyzing four PEP versions of moral education textbooks for primary schools since 1978, we find that the constitutive outside and inner meaning of traditional culture education in textbooks has undergone many changes, which include, the element or category of traditional culture education is from the centralized distribution to the equilibrium distributionl the distribution shifts from junior grade to senior grade; the carrier form is from single to comprehensive; the topic content focuses on the emotion of "family-country" and personality cultivationl the role and status move from material orientation to learning orientation. On this basis, we should emphasize on the amalgamation between moral education textbooks and Chinese excellent traditional culture, optimize contextual content of traditional culture of moral education textbook and improve the constitutive outside for traditional culture in the moral educa- tion textbooks, which further consummate traditional culture education in moral education textbooks {or primary schools.

关 键 词: 小学德育教科书 传统文化教育

分 类 号: [G623.15]

领  域: []


