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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

出  处: 《外国语》 2017年第1期24-29,共6页

摘  要: 本文根据对汉语动词概念中的矢量语义特征的分析,尝试解释表达被动的动宾结构的成因和功能。我们认为,这种现象的存在不是孤立的,是受汉语概念化特点的影响所致。除此以外,汉语中还存在着一系列相关的语法现象,包括双宾结构、被动句式、存现句、可颠倒主宾语的句式以及具有指示受事和施事双重功能的语法标记等,它们都与汉语动词的概念化特点有关,由此可以看出汉语的整体语法特点。 Through identifying the semantic features of vectors in Chinese verbs, this paper deals with the syntax of the passive VO construction in Modern Chinese. This type of passive construction is closely related to other phenomena such as double-object construction, the typical passive construction, the existential construction, and the sentences which could reverse the positions of subject and object without changing meanings. The present analysis helps understanding the overall feature of the Chinese grammar.

关 键 词: 被动意义 动宾结构 动词概念化 矢量特征 双宾结构

分 类 号: [H043]

领  域: []


