作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《语言科学》 2017年第4期353-360,共8页
摘 要: 语言学研究成果表明,语法构式有其自身的语用及结构意义,是语言得以创新的基础,也是人们理解创新性语言表达的源泉。本文的研究表明,语法构式还可以在特殊语境下临时改变构式中某一词项的意义、词性或语法功能,产生绝无仅有的语言表达,而且还能确保语言交际的顺利进行。如果说特殊语境下的语言创新成为可能,这充分表明语法构式在语言运用上的起着极其关键性的作用,甚至具有基因性质的作用。 This paper revisits the core function of grammar constructions by analyzing some creative ex- pressions that are embedded in very special contexts. In general, each grammar construction is equipped with its own grammatical meaning, and all creative expressions cannot alter grammar constructions in order not to deter linguistic communications. It is found that a grammar construction is potentially entitled to changing word meanings, word categories, and even grammatical functions of a linguistic entity as long as very special con- texts are availably there. The paper is concluded by claiming that all grammar constructions in a given lan- guage actually work as genes that keep it possible to turn up creative expressions freely in a language.
分 类 号: [H146.3]
领 域: []