作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院
出 处: 《妇女研究论丛》 2011年第4期65-70,共6页
摘 要: 近代中国,随着西风东渐的影响、新思想新风潮的传播,女性角色打破了"三从四德"礼教约束下的传统女性的角色属性,从社会生活中寻找到一种新的角色定位,完成了从传统中国妇女到现代女性的形象过渡与转变。民国画报是近代历史学研究的重要文献资料,借助于民国画报史料,我们从身体角色、社会角色、观念价值几个方面描述了近代中国女性角色消解与重塑的过程及面貌。 With the influence of western learning,advanced ideas and new trends widely spread in modern China.Chinese women began to break the Confucius' shackles of "the three obedience and four virtues," struggling to find themselves a new role in the modern society.Eventually,they successfully transformed the traditional image into a modern one.Pictorials are important literatures for researching on modern Chinese history.With the aid of the pictorials,this paper discusses the process and the features of disintegration and reconstruction of women's physical and social roles as well as their value judgment in modern China.
分 类 号: [K825.42]
领 域: []