作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《编辑之友》 2019年第3期83-87,共5页
摘 要: 消费主义催生了我国影视植入式广告从'隐性植入'到'显性侵入'的发展异变。文章以最具代表性的综艺节目为例,从价值层面对影视植入式广告进行理性的价值审视。在分析影视植入式广告审美、经济、文化价值迷失的基础之上,提出了创意驱动、市场驱动、价值观驱动、政策驱动的价值复归路径。 Product placement in films and TV shows has metamorphosed from 'implicit implantation' to 'explicit intrusion' due to the influence of consumerism. This research takes the most representative variety shows as examples,and examines the social value of film-based product placement advertisements in a rational way. After analyzing their value loss from the perspectives of aesthetics, economics, and culture, this research proposes a path for their value-return which features creative-driven, market-driven, value-driven, and policy-driven.
分 类 号: [F713.8]
领 域: []