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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

出  处: 《社会科学》 2018年第3期3-20,共18页

摘  要: 当前我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需求和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,如何在复杂的社会矛盾下实现人民获得感的可持续增长,是改革与发展的重要议题。为观测我国人民获得感发展趋势与区域差距,基于对获得感内涵的界定,细分不同维度的获得感,利用CSGS调研数据,对我国人民获得感进行时序比较。研究表明,十八大以来我国人民获得感总体呈现上升趋势,不同维度的获得感呈现复杂的态势,人民获得感存在不平衡与不充分的现实问题,要实现人民获得感的有效增长,需通过顶层设计与基层治理,抓重点、补短板、强弱项。 At present,the major social contradictions in our country have been transformed into the contradiction between the growing demand for a better life and the unbalanced development of the people.How to achieve the sustainable growth of people's sense of gain in the face of complicated social conflicts is an important issue for reform and development.In order to observe the trend of development and regional disparity of people's perception of gain in our country,this dissertation analyzes the connotation of connotation,subdivides the sense of gain in different dimensions and uses CSGS survey data to compare the time series of people's perception of gain in our country.The research shows that since the 18 th CPC National Congress,there has been an upward trend in the general sense of people's access to our country.The acquisition of different dimensions shows a complex situation.People have a sense of reality that there are imbalances and inadequacies in the sense of reality.To achieve effective growth of people's sense of access,design and grassroots governance,focus,make up shortcomings,strengths and weaknesses.

关 键 词: 获得感 主要矛盾 趋势 差距 时序比较

分 类 号: [D61]

领  域: []


