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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

出  处: 《探索与争鸣》 2019年第11期102-110,M0005共10页

摘  要: 基层形式主义是一个由来已久、对政府运作影响深远的顽疾。在纷繁多变的外在表现背后,基层形式主义的本质不简单是基层官员的思想作风、动力或能力问题,而是在信息不对称条件下的“上下博弈”中,基层政府对上级考核任务“形式上符合、实质上违背”的变相执行。其中,务虚性落实、虚假性呈现、选择性达标等构成了理解基层形式主义本质的基本向度;而上层政府的考核失当,下层政府自身的动力错位,以及上下层政府间的共谋与妥协等,则构成了决定这一基层形式主义本质的底层逻辑。鉴于此,对基层形式主义的管控需要走出“以形式主义应对形式主义”的怪圈,从府际关系博弈下的系统性困局入手并另辟蹊径地探索有效治理之道。 Grassroots formalism is a long-standing problem that has far-reaching impact on government operations.Behind the ever-changing external manifestations,the essence of grassroots formalism is not simply the ideological style,motivation or ability of grassroots officials,but as the result of“updown game”of assessment under the condition of information asymmetry,which is the lower-level government formally conforming but essentially violating.Among them,the discuss achievement,false representation,and selectivity compliance constitute the basic dimension of understanding the essence of grassroots formalism;and the improper upper-level government’s assessment,the lowerlevel government’s own motivation dislocation,and the conspiracy and compromise between the upper and lower levels of government constitute the underlying logic of grassroots formalism.In view of this,the control of grassroots formalism needs to go out of the strange circle of“formalism to deal with formalism”,starting from the systematic dilemma under the intergovernmental game and exploring other doors to effectively manage it.

关 键 词: 基层形式主义 府际关系 考核 信息不对称 上下博弈

分 类 号: [D26]

领  域: []


