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作  者: ;

机构地区: 惠州学院

出  处: 《学术研究》 2015年第7期123-128,共6页

摘  要: 实物目录学(bibliographiemat6rielle)是西方书籍史学界一个重要的概念,源于英语世界的“bibliography”。从研究内容上看,实物目录学不仅研究书籍的内容,也重视书籍本身的历史以及它所承载的文本信息来源。它自诞生以来,不仅引进了其他学科的理论和研究范式,而且还不断细化了书籍史的研究内容,对书籍史研究贡献颇大,同时,也对中国书籍史的研究有一定的借鉴价值。 Bibliographie matérielle, originated in the bibliography of the English world, was an important concept in Western books historiography. From the research point of view, bibliographie mat érielle did not only study the contents of books, but also payed an attention to the books and the history of the load bearing text information source. Since the twentieth century, bibliographie matérielle was explained by many similar concepts, but their research objects are basically similar, and then gradually move toward unification.

关 键 词: 实物目录学 书籍史 版本学

分 类 号: [K103 K825.41]

领  域: [] []


