作 者: ;
机构地区: 惠州学院
出 处: 《心理科学》 2011年第2期289-292,共4页
摘 要: 社交恐惧图式理论、社交恐惧模式、和社交恐惧认知行为模式等认知理论,都认为社交恐惧产生于不良的自我图式。为了探讨社交恐惧个体是否具有不良的自我图式,要求40名高社交恐惧个体和30名低社交焦虑个体完成了自尊量表和内隐联想任务。结果发现:高社交恐惧个体在自尊量表上的得分显著低于低社交恐惧个体,但在内隐自尊上,他们都有积极的自尊,且无显著差异。这一研究结果不支持社交恐惧的认知理论。 Cognitive models of social phobia,such as the schema theory of social phobia,model of social phobia,and cognitive-behavioral model of social phobia,suggest that social phobia results from the dysfunctional self-schema.According to these theories,social phobia is developed and maintained due to schema containing dysfunctional beliefs that individuals with social phobia hold about themselves and expectations of how they believe they should behave in situations of social interaction.In order to explore whether individuals with social phobia have dysfunctional self-schema,40 high social phobia individuals(HSPIs) and 30 low social phobia individuals(LSPIs) were asked to respond to the self-esteem scale and complete the implicit association task.The result showed that HSPIs had lower scores on the self-esteem scale than LSPIs,but they all had positive implicit self-esteem,and had no significant difference in IAT.The results did not support the cognitive models of social phobia.It is argued in term of self-presentation that humans have a general need to be liked,valued,and approved of by others in order to develop supportive peer relationships and engage successfully in social relationships.In order to be approved by others,individuals in the social situation must meet the needs or expectations of the audience.This paper further suggested that the disorder of social phobia is developed and maintained by a process of comparison between indivuduals' belief of how the audience views him or her and the belief of what standards are expected for him or her by the audience.The discrepancy between these two beliefs determines the perceived estimation of negative evaluation from other people and results social anxiety.
分 类 号: [B848]
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