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作  者: ;

机构地区: 惠州学院

出  处: 《心理科学》 2004年第3期 726-728,共3页

摘  要: 该文介绍了网络环境,论述了网络环境的特点及其对网络用户心理的影响.指出对网络的不同理解,可能导致心理学家采用不同的思路和研究力法.把网络作为现实环境中的新元素,可能导致研究者使用传统的研究思路,把网络看成是自变.量;把网络当作一个新环境,研究者最初应该使用定性的研究方法.但在国外,在研究初期就使用的定性与定最相结合的研究方法:互补探索性数据分析方法.本文最后对这一方法做了简要介绍. This paper introduced the cyber-environment, discussed the pecularities of the cyber-world and its impact on the users, and pointed out that the definition of the Internet determined the approaches to cybe-psychology. If the Internet is regarded as a new element of reality, researchers are likely to follow the traditional method and deal with the Internet as an independent variable. As the researchers study the Internet as a new environment, they should use the qualitative research met hod. The combination of qualitative research and quantitative research methods was already employed at the primary stage of the subject outside China. The method, called complementary explorative data analysis, was briefly mentioned at the end.

关 键 词: 网络心理 网络环境 信息超载 互补探索性数据

分 类 号: [B84]

领  域: []


