作 者: ;
机构地区: 惠州学院
出 处: 《心理科学》 1999年第4期 302-304,共3页
摘 要: 该实验操作探测数字在记忆集中的位置来研究短时记忆的提取机制。结果发现:用Sternberg范式研究短时记忆提取机制存在缺陷;操作记忆集不能反映被试的搜索过程。该研究显示短时提取不以自始至终或平行扫描为前提。短时记的提取机制受记忆集大小的影响较大。 In order to study the process of short-termmemory's retrieval, the matching position was used asthe independent variable. The result showed that selfterminated scanning might in fact be more efficient inthe retrieval of short-term memory in the memory setof less than three items. When the memory set was ofmore than three items, the retrieval of informationfrom short-term memory was based on the strength ofmemory track. This paper suggested that Sternbergparadigm couldn't be used in the retrieval of information from short-term store. The result was discussed interms of short-term store across a range of memoryset.
分 类 号: [B842.3]
领 域: []