作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《外国经济与管理》 2020年第5期90-104,共15页
摘 要: 对处于新时期的民营企业而言,提高创新能力是获得长期竞争优势的关键,现有对于影响企业创新投入的研究聚焦于组织特征和管理者特质,而忽视了影响管理者认知决策的外部媒介信息,尤其是作为政府喉舌的官方媒体。基于此,本研究从注意力基础观出发,探索民营企业家的官方媒体信任度对企业研发投入的影响,并分析了企业家的政治地位和海外经历对上述关系的影响。通过2014年第十一次全国私营企业抽样调查4 125家私营企业数据的实证结果表明:企业家对官方媒体的信任程度会促进其研发投入,企业家的政治地位会强化官方媒体信任度的正效应,而企业家的海外经历则会弱化这一正效应。与国内大部分有关媒体关注研究不同,本文不局限于媒体主体对于企业战略决策的影响,而是从媒体主体背后决策者的主观能动性来解释民营企业创新差异之谜。这一研究不仅扩展了基于注意力理论视角的企业创新研究分析框架,同时对引导和提升民营企业长期导向具有重要的现实意义。 This article combines entrepreneurs’ trust in official media with corporate innovation,analyzes the impact of private entrepreneurs’ official media trust on corporate R&D investment from the perspective of attention, and further examines the moderating role of entrepreneurs’ overseas experience and political status. The 4125 private enterprises in the 2014 National Private Enterprise Sampling Survey are used as the analysis objects, and the theoretical logic of this article is empirically tested. The results show that the trust of entrepreneurs in official media is positively correlated with corporate R&D investment, that is, the higher the level of trust of private entrepreneurs in official media, the more R&D investment enterprises make. Further research shows that the influence of entrepreneurs’ official media trust on innovation investment is not homogeneous, because entrepreneurs’ overseas experience and self-perceived political status as individual social values are heterogeneous, which has external guidance or constraints on the relationship between entrepreneurs’ official media trust and innovation investment.Among them, the political status of entrepreneurs will strengthen the positive effect of official media trust;while the overseas experience of entrepreneurs will weaken the positive effect. This study may have the following theoretical contributions: First, it analyzes the mystery of the differences in innovation investment of private enterprises and expands the application analysis based on the attentionbased view. The previous literature on attention-based perspectives focuses on explaining the attentiongathering resources of entrepreneurs or managers to obtain information, while ignoring the impact of specific cognitive patterns formed by the unique experience of decision-makers on attention allocation.This article incorporates individual differences into the analysis framework of attention-based views,which enriches the research of attention-based views. Second, we compare the differe
分 类 号: [F270]