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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《管理案例研究与评论》 2017年第1期1-19,共19页

摘  要: 目前学界对非正规经济存在以及制度创业理论给予较大的关注度,但从制度层面就对非正规经济中组织场域如何形成及其制度创业相关过程的研究极为缺乏。本文基于非正规经济下的组织场域的视角,研究了非正规经济中的典型现象——"山寨"经济,以至今表现出完整周期的中国山寨手机产业为例,运用扎根理论,尝试提出"灰色合法性"的概念,并重点从"灰色合法性"的角度剖析了制度创业对非正规经济中组织场域形成的作用机理。研究表明:(1)"灰色合法性"是指在已有的规范和价值观等社会化建构的系统内部,政府、行业内企业以及公众等利益相关者对行动暂时的模糊的一般认识与假定,包括灰色规制合法性、灰色规范合法性以及灰色认知合法性三个维度;(2)非正规经济下组织场域形成是以灰色市场、灰色政策作为大背景,经济利益与技术红利为催化剂,而重点则体现在对灰色合法性的获取和确立;(3)"灰色合法性"的存在是有时限的,导致非正规经济中组织场域的制度创业是循环往复的过程。 Much attention has been given to why informal economy exists and the institutional entrepreneurship theory in the academic circle,but there is little research on the formation of organizational fields in informal economy or the process of institutional entrepreneurship."Shanzhai"is a typical phenomenon in informal economy.This paper will be based on the organizational field in informal economy and then take shanzhai mobile phones as case.Through the application of grounded theory,we come up with the new concept of"gray legitimacy"and establish the institutional entrepreneurship process model from the perspective of"legitimacy".We conclude that:(1)Gray legitimacy is an ambiguous and temporary public understanding towards certain behavior in the existing system of norms,values and other social constructions.And it can be manifested in three dimensions,gray regulative legitimacy,gray normative legitimacy,and gray cognitive legitimacy.(2)The formation of the organization field in informal economy is in the context of gray market and gray policy,using economic benefits and technical dividends as the catalyst,while emphasis is laid on the process of obtaining and establishing "gray legitimacy ".(3)The"gray legitimacy"in informal economy is temporary and unstable,leaving institutional entrepreneurship as a cyclical process.

关 键 词: 非正规经济 灰色合法性 制度创业 组织场域 山寨手机

分 类 号: [F270]

领  域: []


