作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《科学学与科学技术管理》 2018年第2期116-129,共14页
摘 要: 创业者通过创业活动实现财富的创造和最大化,但最新研究发现,除了商业逐利等传统因素,创业动机还来源于创业者自身的精神享受。基于管理学与心理学的复合视角,通过跟踪收集48位创业者的微博、博客、传记采访等材料,运用内容分析法,考察创业者的动力机制、创业决策逻辑以及创业绩效三者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)追求快乐最大化已经成为现代创业者不可忽视的创业动力因素;(2)创业动机是一个动态变化的过程;(3)创业决策逻辑中,不同创业动机的创业者倾向于使用不同的创业逻辑;(4)追求非财富收益最大化的创业者更倾向于获得经济回报与心理奖赏并行的高创业绩效;(5)根据创业动机、创业决策逻辑及创业绩效三者的相关性分析,拟提出创业决策逻辑在创业动机与创业绩效之间的中介作用。 Financial gains are central to entrepreneurial activity. However, being aspired by Daniel Kahneman and his hedonic psychology theories, happiness and subjective well-being can be powerful motives driving entrepre- neurs through stress, unpredictability, and ambiguity in entrepreneurship. Based on comprehensive perspectives of management and psychology, the researchers of this paper apply sample and data analysis methods by tracking down 48 entrepreneurs' micro-blogs and diaries to study the relation between their entrepreneurial motivation, deci- sion-making logics and entrepreneurial performance. We mainly come to the following conclusions. (1) Happiness and hedonic well-beings can be a powerful force driving entrepreneurship. (2) Entrepreneurial motivation can be dynamic and evolving. (3) Entrepreneurs seeking for financial returns are more likely to adopt predictive logics (causation) while happiness-maximizers are more focused on making do with resources on hand in their deci- sion-making process (effectuation). (4) Happiness-maximizers are more inclined to attain better economic perfor- mances and hedonic rewards from entrepreneurial activities. (5) Based on the correlation analysis between the three constructs, we suggest that decision-making logics act as a mediating variable between entrepreneurial motiva- tion and performance
分 类 号: [F272.2]
领 域: []