作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学法学院
出 处: 《文史哲》 2019年第1期117-127,168共12页
摘 要: 在儒家“道统”传承中,子思承其祖说,学于曾参,传之孟轲,上承中庸之道,下启心性之论,被誉为“述圣”。结合传世文献与郭店儒简所涉“子思学派”思想,可见其传扬儒门宗旨,亦长于任法论说,则为先秦由儒入法、礼法演进之关键。子思学派视“好利恶害”之人性为社会规范乃至治道体系的基础,由此牵引出战国政法论说的基本范式。以性情论为中心,子思学派的治道理想游移于传统人文与现实功利之间,富有统合各种社会规范的意味,既阐弘儒家重德之旨,又重倡“任法以治”及赏刑爵禄之策。子思学派于性情之审思、仁利之辨正、礼法之取舍、刑赏之兼顾均富有新见,对战国法家思想颇有启示而不乏暗合,其中蕴含先秦儒法两家的融通一面,预示后世儒法合流的思想路径。 Known as one of the holy men in Confucianism,Zisi inherited Confucius’thinking and inspired Mencius,and played an important role in the development of Confucianism in the pre-Qin period.With existing documents and Confucian bamboo scriptures excavated in Guodian,we can see Zisi not only carried forward Confucian moral teaching,but also was an inspiration source for the Legal School in the Warring States Period.According to the Zisi School,favoring interest and avoiding harm is a human nature upon which social disciplines and even ruling system are based,and that provides a clue for the political and legal discourse paradigm during the Warring States Period.Centered on disposition theory,the Zisi School placed their political ideal between traditional idea of ruling and realistic utilitarianism,hence its inclusiveness of different social disciplines.It upholds the fundamental significance of morality while advocating ruling by laws and that rewarding,punishing,post and wage promotion shall be exercised.As a transitional Confucian school between Confucius and Mencius,the Zisi School shed new light on the thinking of disposition,discrimination between ren(benevolence)and li(interest),choice between li(rites)and fa(laws),and coordination between punishment and reward.It may also inspire and actually echoes later Fa School,thus it suggests the possibility of fusion between Confucianism and the Legal School in the pre-Qin period and a later thinking featuring incorporation of the two thoughts.
分 类 号: [B222]
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