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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学法学院

出  处: 《政法论坛:中国政法大学学报》 2015年第6期76-86,共11页

摘  要: 申不害是战国法家之代表,在相韩生涯中实践其刑名法术思想,尤以"术"论扬名后世。首先,申子学本黄老,秉持恒"正"、常"静"、贵"因"、任"数"以使君王"无事"的治道哲理。其次,申子学号"刑名",赋予"名"趋于政法范畴的职制义涵,并申说制度之"名"对政事之"实"的统制。最后,申子聚焦法术,强调"明法正义"而不尚重刑,并开辟法家"因任授官"与"潜御群臣"之"术",使法术统合于君王权势。申子之学,是黄老实用化之思想灵光,是名实论于政法层面的创造诠释。这种力图挣脱传统伦理道德的现实政治哲学及其早慧的职制观念,既是战国政治对精细统治技术之诉求使然,也对法家思想体系与传统君权治道影响深远。 Shen Pu - hai acted as a representive scholar of Fa - chia theory and won a great prestige in the policy - technique in the history. He practised his ideas during his career at Han country. Shen - tzu' s doc- trines are directly derived from the doctrines of the Yellow Emperor and Lao - tzu, integrated the spirit of just and whist and the methodology of complete acquiescence, and thrived on" non - action" of monarchy. A canoni- cal form( Hsing- ming theory) is involved in Shen -tzu's doctrines as the trend of" ming" (concept) require institutional theory between the categories of policy and law that interpret a dominate relationship of the "ruing" (concept) of regime towards the "shi" (entity) of politics. The integrated relationship between Shen - tzu' s doctrines on law - policy - technique is fit to grace the regime of monarchy, which regards law - policy - technique as its fundamental principle, prevents the foreseeable law and justice from heavy penalty, and re- markably makes a combination of "secret dominancy" and "merit - appointment - bureaucracy". The institu- tional theory of Shen - tzu' s doctrines which attempts to get rid of the traditional and ethical philosophy of pol- itics, is the result of the policy of Warring States Era, and has a significant impact on the system of Fa - chia thoughts and governance of sovereignty.

关 键 词: 申不害 法家 刑名

分 类 号: [B82-05]

领  域: []


