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The Quality of Historiography and Historians’ Mission——An Interview with Professor Zhang Kaiyuan

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《史学月刊》 2007年第4期5-11,共7页

摘  要: 著名历史学家章开沅教授针对史学的现状及历史研究所面临的困境,立足于史学品格与历史学家使命的高度,阐释了自己独到的历史观。他认为,史学只有保持独立的科学品格,才能发挥其独特的社会功用;史学家只有保持独立的学者人格,达致“通识”与“圆融”的境界,才能表达对人类历史乃至宇宙生命的终极诉求;中国史学只有在研究视域、研究手段、研究团队等方面全球化、国际化,才能走向世界。 Basing upon the quality of historiography and historians' missions, Professor Zhang Kaiyuan, the famous historian, interprets his original historical view objectively in connection with the present situation of historiography and the difficulties of historical study. Professor Zhang deems that only by retaining independent scientific quality can historiography give play to its special social functions; only by maintaining independent personalities can historians achieve the broad and profound research state and show their ultimate concerns to human history and even to the life in the universe. Chinese historiography can be well-known throughout the world with globalization and internationalization in study fields, means and teams.

关 键 词: 章开沅 史学 历史研究 历史学家 史学教育

领  域: []


作者 周立红
作者 金观涛
作者 郭少琼
作者 安治民
作者 陈静梅


机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东省社会科学院
