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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学新闻与传播学院

出  处: 《国际新闻界》 2017年第12期22-33,共12页

摘  要: 1982年4月,施拉姆、余也鲁访问中国大陆的“破冰之旅”,翻开了中国传播学的重要一页。在这段重要的讲学路线图中,广州作为施拉姆、余也鲁的登陆点,由于假想的学科限制,一直以来被大多数新闻学、传播学文献所遗忘。需要澄清的历史事实是,没有广州的讲学活动就没有北京、上海的讲学活动。施拉姆、余也鲁登陆广州,缘起于国内电化教育国外考察团的一次邂逅,体现了广州作为改革开放前沿的胆识与包容。他们在广州7天的讲座内容,为中国传播学发展留下了宝贵的精神遗产。施拉姆、余也鲁广州讲学,对带动讲学路线一路北上,促进传播学本土化发展,推动传播学人才培养,具有重要的历史意义。 Wilbur Schramm and Yu Yelu, who visited China in 1982, set an important millstone for Communication Studies in China, in their "ice-breaking journey". Guangzhou, the first landing point in this important lecture roadmap, has been forgotten by a majority of bibliographies in Journalism and Communication because of an imaged fence between disciplines. The historical fact must be clarified that there would be no lecture in Beijing or Shanghai without Guangzhou's lectures. Schramm and Yu Yelu's landing on Guangzhou could date back to a time when Chinese delegation of electrified education began their investigation trip aboard, which reflected the spirits of courage and inclusion in such a frontier of Chinese Reform and Opening. In the 7-day lectures, Schramm and Yu Yelu have left us with a valuable ideal heritage for the development of Communication. Schramm and Yu Yelu's landing on Guangzhou is of many historical significances such as marching their journey to the North, promoting the development of communication localization, and cultivating more and more intellectuals for Communication in China.

关 键 词: 施拉姆 余也鲁 登陆点 传播学

分 类 号: [G206]

领  域: []


