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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《体育科学》 2014年第6期42-48,共7页

摘  要: 在我国男子足球项目职业化进程中,职业联赛收益分配机制不合理是影响职业化顺利发展的重要因素。解决的思路应当是改革中国足球超级联赛现有的制度安排,也就是对深层次的联赛股权结构实施管办分离,然后依此构建联赛收益分配机制。在前期研究基础上,借助“经济性生产要素全周期价值贡献”理论的支撑,遵循“明晰要素产权主体——界定生产要素构成——分析生产要素参与分配的基本形式、具体路径及作用周期”这条研究逻辑线路,构建积极有效的中国足球超级联赛分配机制。厘清职业化参与各方的权利与收益边界,破解联赛当前的收益分配困境。 The revenue sharing of professional league is not so reasonable that affect the devel- opment of China soccer professional process. The solution is to reform the operative rule of China Football Super League and re-construct the League revenue sharing mechanism. Based on the former research and theory of cycle value contribution of economic productive factors, fol- low the route "clear property right, the basic form of Economic Productive Factors, the specific path of Economic Productive Factors participate in the sharing and cycle time". Theoretic build China Football Super League revenue sharing mechanism. Aim at clarify the rights and benefits of parties who involved China soccer professional process.

关 键 词: 经济性生产要素 产权主体 中国足球超级联赛 职业体育

分 类 号: [G80-05]

领  域: []


