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On the Theory of Commenting Poems with Zhuangzi and Zen by Jingling School

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院

出  处: 《中国文学研究》 2013年第4期67-70,85,共5页

摘  要: 钟惺、谭元春选评《诗归》,显示出独特的诗学理论与批评方法,深受道家与佛禅思想的影响,并承继了严羽"以禅喻诗"的一些观点与方法。竟陵诗学的"冥悟",是指一种主体精神高度集中,处于一种如参禅悟道般的虚静状态;竟陵派的"入神",是指诗歌技法或诗歌境界到达出神入化的地步;竟陵派的"别趣",是指人物特有的精神气质与诗歌陌生化的审美效果;竟陵派对言意关系与阐释理论的认识与实践,是"言不尽意"思想的发挥,所谓"不可解",重在强调作品传达的丰富意旨,强调诗歌给读者一种幽渺、惝怳、迷离的审美体验;竟陵派以老庄、佛禅思想论诗,有意识地选录数量众多的仙佛诗,评点中揭示出诗歌与佛道思想之间的关系。 Zhong Xing, Tan Yuan-chun selectively commented A Poetry Anthology by Zhong Xing and Tan Yuan-chun , which showed the unique poetic theory and critical methods, were deeply affected by Taoism and Zen, and inherited some of the views and methods of Yan Yu's "To Illustrate Poetry with Zen". The "Meditative Thinking" concept of Jingling school refers to a state of high concentration, a state of empty quietness. The "Spiritual Attentiveness" refers to advanced poetic techniques and poetic state, and the "Remote Fun" refers to the unique characteristics and aesthetic effects of poetic defamiliarization. Jingling School's understanding and practice on the connections between language and meaning, and Heumeneutics is the extension of "Langauge doesn't exert meanings". The concept of "undecipherable " was focusing on the works conveying rich implications, giving readers vague and mysterious aesthetic enjoyments. The Jingling School commented poems with Taoism and Buddhism. They selected consciously a large number of poems of immortality and Buddhism, and revealed the relationship between poetry and Buddhist thoughts. In this way, they revealed the con- nections between Daoism and Buddhism.

关 键 词: 竟陵派 严羽 庄禅说诗 诗归

领  域: []


作者 林美强
作者 曾肖


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 深圳大学文学院
