作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学文学院
出 处: 《首都师范大学学报:社会科学版》 2007年第6期 22-27,共6页
摘 要: 有两种解释农奴制兴衰的思路,一种认为,尽管农奴制存在管理成本高昂的固有缺陷,但其具有的某些优势足以弥补这一缺陷;另一种则认为,农奴乃是自愿为奴,因此并不存在监督管理困难的问题。从中世纪英格兰的情况来看,领主通过强化村社组织和农民相互监督,确实降低了管理成本。其他地区亦有类似现象。这些事实表明,将村社视为农奴制的重要基础,的确是解释其兴衰原因的一条新思路。 There are two main interpretations of the rise and fall of serfdom. One sees the advantages of serfdom that more than make up for its unavoidable disadvantage of high management cost, while the other takes serfdom as voluntary behavior, and thus acceptive of it, denying its management difficulty. As far as medieval England is concerned, landlords reduced the management cost by strengthening the collective organizations of village communities and internal supervisions among peasants. Similar examples abound in other regions as well. This implies a new interpretation for the rise and fall of serfdom, taking village community as its important foundation.
分 类 号: [K561.3]
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