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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《江苏师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2015年第6期21-27,共7页

摘  要: 党争是智利阿连德政府改革失败最重要的内因。阿连德上台前,智利共产党和社会党先后就与苏联外交关系、资产阶级民主、冷战格局、“社会主义道路”的实现途径等议题展开了四次论战。阿连德执政后,政府内部分裂为“温和派”和“激进派”,双方就如何通往“社会主义道路”、军队的政治角色、基督教民主党的地位、经济改革的实施方式等议题展开激辩,并由观点之争上升为党派间的政治斗争。激烈的党争使阿连德政府始终难以形成基本的决策能力和有效的行政能力,政府凝聚力不断下降,“人民团结阵线”政府动荡不稳,内阁部长频繁更迭。党争给美国干涉造成了可乘之机,加速了智利“社会主义道路”失败的步伐。 Partisan struggle is the most important internal cause why the Allende government's Chilean Road to Social-ism reform failed.This article explores the historical roots,contents and political impact of the Allende government's in-ternal partisan faction.Before Allende came into power,the Chilean Communist Party and the Chilean Socialist Party had four debates on the diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union,the nature of bourgeois democracy,the pattern of the Cold War,and the path to socialism.After Allende took office,the The Unidad Popular government was soon split into the the moderates and the radicals .Both have drastic arguments over major political issues,such as the path to the the Chilean Road to Socialism ,the political role of the army,the political position of the Chilean Christian Democratic Party and economic reform.Their quarrel continued to escalated into a political fighting between two factions,making the Al-lende government unable to perform effective decision-making and administrative power,resulting in the decline of The Unidad Popular government cohesion.As internal politics was in turmoil and cabinet ministers changed frequently,U. S.took advantage of this to interfere in Chilean domestic affairs.The partisan struggle accelerated the failure of Allende government's the Chilean Road to Socialism .

关 键 词: 阿连德 社会主义道路 党争 智利

分 类 号: [K784.53]

领  域: []


